Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Biography and appearance
Species (Race)
Wood Elf
Lawful Neutral
Tanking / Support
Acquisitions Incorporated: The “C” Team
Attributes (Total: 78)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
10 (0)
20 (+5)
10 (0)
Base Attack
6.5 s
Ultimate Attack
270 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Swaps (slot 8)
Other data
Release date
Days ago
1893 approx.

Walnut Dankgrass is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. She was obtained from the Founders' Day event, but is now only available through Time Gates or from purchasing a Walnut Champion Pack from the in-game shop.

Walnut is a versatile Tank and Support Champion. Her Documancer ability can be customized for your formation needs through multiple specializations.

Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Delina in slot 8.

Backstory[ | ]

Walnut is a child of the Enclave Panax Anima, an all-female clan of woodland defenders within the Kryptgarden Forest. Not only a frighteningly enthusiastic member of Acquisitions Incorporated, she also strives to protect the natural world by any means necessary. Did we mention she also has the goddess Mielikki living inside her? That seems important.

Abilities[ | ]

Icon DamageType Melee Wicked Scimitar – Base Attack

Walnut savagely attacks the nearest enemy with her scimitar.

Ability Walnut Documancer Documancer – Level 15 Ability

Increases the damage of adjacent champions by 10% for each enemy killed in this area. Resets when changing areas. (Max 50 stacks)

Ability Walnut Jobs Done Job's Done – Level 40 Ability

Adds a 200% bonus to Documancer for 30 seconds when completing a quest or entering a completed area. Killing enemies in completed areas resets the duration to 30 seconds.

Ability Walnut Wolfnut Wolfnut – Level 90 Ability

Walnut uses Wild Shape to turn into a wolf whenever they are under attack, gaining 10 temporary hit points for each enemy on-screen at the time of the transformation.

Icon DamageType Melee Ferocious Bite – Level 90 Base Attack

Wolfnut savagely attacks the nearest enemy, dealing damage to other enemies near it as well.

Ability Walnut Contractual Obligations Contractual Obligations – Level 120 Ability

Increases the Health of all champions by 12.5% of Walnut's maximum health. This effect is doubled when in wolf form.

Ability Walnut Pen Paws Pen-Paws – Level 145 Ability

Increases the effect of Documancer by 200% for every 2 seconds that Walnut is in wolf form. The buff decreases every 4 seconds while Walnut is not in wolf form. (50 Stack Cap)

Specialization Choice – Level 180

Icon Specialization Extended Warranty Extended Warranty
Documancer reaches further into the formation, opening up more positioning options. Documancer now also applies to all Champions within 2 slots of Walnut and is buffed by 100%.
Icon Specialization Sign and Date Sign and Date
Documancer applies to fixed slots in the formation, opening up even more positioning options. Documancer now also applies to all Champions in the top or bottom slots of each column and is buffed by 100%.
Icon Specialization Ah, Screw It Ah, Screw It
Documancer applies to the entire formation, because positioning restrictions are for chumps.

Ultimate Walnut Forest Friends Forest Friends – Level 255 Ultimate Attack

Walnut summons a swarm of lovable forest friends to attack all enemies. Each enemy killed heals the party by 10% of their max health. If no enemies are killed, the formation gains a temporary hit point shield equal to 100% of their max health.

Specialization Choice – Level 315

Icon Specialization Co-Signers Co-Signers
Documancer is buffed based on synergies with other "C" Team members. Each target of Documancer is buffed by 500% (stacking multiplicatively) for each of these buffs also affecting the target: K'Thriss' Unseen Encouragement, Donaar's Lead By Example, and Rosie's Deflect Missiles.
Icon Specialization Temporary Alliance Temporary Alliance
Documancer is buffed based on the presence of Champions from other (less famous) teams. The effect of Documancer is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation with an affiliation other than the "C" Team (stacking additively).

Upgrades[ | ]

Level Cost Damage Damage All Health Documancer Job’s Done Wolfnut Pen-Paws
15 4.08e11 Unlock Ability: Ability Walnut Documancer Documancer
25 8.81e11 +100%
40 2.79e12 Unlock Ability: Ability Walnut Jobs Done Job’s Done
60 1.30e13 +200%
75 4.13e13 +100%
90 1.31e14 Unlock Ability: Ability Walnut Wolfnut Wolfnut
105 4.16e14 +200%
120 1.32e15 Unlock Ability: Ability Walnut Contractual Obligations Contractual Obligations
135 4.18e15 +100%
145 9.03e15 Unlock Ability: Ability Walnut Pen Paws Pen-Paws
155 1.95e16 +200%
170 6.18e16 +190
180 1.34e17 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Extended Warranty Extended Warranty Icon Specialization Sign and Date Sign and Date Icon Specialization Ah, Screw It Ah, Screw It
190 2.88e17 +200%
205 9.14e17 +200%
225 4.26e18 +70%
240 1.35e19 +200%
255 4.29e19 Unlock Ultimate: Ultimate Walnut Forest FriendsForest Friends
275 2.00e20 +200%
290 6.34e20 +100%
305 2.01e21 +200%
315 4.34e21 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Co-Signers Co-Signers Icon Specialization Temporary Alliance Temporary Alliance
335 2.02e22 +330
345 4.37e22 +200%
360 1.39e23 +100%
380 6.46e23 +70%
390 1.39e24 +200%
420 1.40e25 +200%
460 3.05e26 +200%
475 9.67e26 +575
490 3.07e27 +100%
505 9.73e27 +200%
525 4.54e28 +70%
550 3.11e29 +200%
575 2.13e30 +100%
595 9.92e30 +200%
630 1.47e32 +100%
650 6.83e32 +200%
670 3.19e33 +1000
705 4.71e34 +200%
725 2.20e35 +100%
745 1.02e36 +70%
760 3.25e36 +100%
775 1.03e37 +200%
810 1.52e38 +100%
845 2.25e39 +200%
875 2.26e40 +200%
890 7.18e40 +1735
910 3.35e41 +100%
925 1.06e42 +100%
940 3.37e42 +200%
960 1.57e43 +70%
990 1.58e44 +200%
1010 7.37e44 +100%
1045 1.09e46 +200%
1090 3.48e47 +100%
1100 7.51e47 +200%
1110 1.62e48 +2900
1145 2.40e49 +100%
1165 1.12e50 +200%
1185 5.20e50 +70%
1230 1.66e52 +200%
1265 2.46e53 +100%
1290 1.68e54 +200%
1305 5.34e54 +200%
1330 3.65e55 +5000
1340 7.89e55 +200%
1385 2.52e57 +100%
1425 5.47e58 +100%
1440 1.74e59 +70%
1455 5.51e59 +200%
1495 1.20e61 +200%
1510 3.79e61 +100%
1550 8.24e62 +9000
1580 8.29e63 +100%
1600 3.87e64 +100%
1620 1.80e65 +100%
1640 8.40e65 +100%
1660 3.91e66 +100%
1680 1.82e67 +100%
1760 8.61e69 +70%
1770 1.86e70 +1.57e04
1800 1.87e71 +100%
1830 1.88e72 +200%
1860 1.89e73 +100%
1890 1.91e74 +100%
1920 1.92e75 +100%
1980 1.94e77 +70%
1990 4.19e77 +2.95e04
2020 4.22e78 +100%
2050 4.25e79 +100%
2080 4.27e80 +100%
2110 4.30e81 +100%
2140 4.33e82 +200%
2200 4.38e84 +70%
2210 9.46e84 +4.97e04
Total: - - - - - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment Walnut AcqIncBadge3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
2 Icon Equipment Walnut DocumancyBag3 Increases the effect of Walnut's Documancer ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
3 Icon Equipment Walnut DocumancyLedgerandQuill3 Increases the effect of Walnut's Job's Done ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
4 Icon Equipment Walnut Scimitar Increases the effect of Walnut's Wolfnut ability by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 45%
Shiny 75%
Shiny 150%
Golden 200%
5 Icon Equipment Walnut Snake3 Buffs Walnut's Ultimate Attack Damage by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment Walnut LoverLetters3 Reduces the cooldown on Walnut's Ultimate Attack by: 7s
Shiny 10.5s
Shiny 21s
Shiny 40.5s
Shiny 102s
Golden 136s

Golden Gear

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 290, cost* Icon Coin 6.34e20.
Slot 2: unlocked at level ???, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 1600, cost* Icon Coin 3.87e64.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 2475, cost* Icon Coin 6.81e93.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat Overhelm Defensive Duelist
Walnut takes 5 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
"What's a few extra enemies? Easy!"
Unlocked at level 290
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Document Hoarder
Increases the effect of Walnut's Documancer ability by 20%.
"It's only hoarding when you don't need them anymore"
Unlocked at level 290
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Selflessness
Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
"Why do I always gotta be the leader?"
Unlocked at level 290
Icon Feat Health Tough
Increases the health of Walnut by 15%.
"Us wolves aren't easy to take down."
Unlocked at level 290
Icon Feat Health Resilient
Increases the health of Walnut by 30%.
"This fur's thicker than you'd think."
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Document Organizer
Increases the effect of Walnut's Documancer ability by 40%.
"The Fixers need to understand our system!"
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Inspiring Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
"I have a bad feeling about this. Er, I mean. Go team!"
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Dire Wolfnut
Increases the effect of Walnut's Wolfnut ability by 80%.
"I've got the scent!"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Document Maestro
Increases the effect of Walnut's Documancer ability by 80%.
"You have but to ask. We've got it all on file."
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Prodigal Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%.
"Someday we're going to make something of ourselves."
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat Taunt Taunt
Increases the damage of Walnut by 400%.
Walnut's attacks hava a 50% chance to taunt enemies.
"Hey you -- fight me!"
Icon Gems 50,000

Trivia[ | ]

Walnut is a character created by Trystan Falcone, graphic designer for Wizards of the Coast.

Idle Champions Spotlight: Walnut

Media[ | ]
