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Vin Ursa is a Support and Gold Find Champion who builds up a ledger of Favored Foes as you progress through an adventure. She supports the formation in capturing her Favored Foes and makes sure the extra reward is worth it.
Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Minsc in slot 7.
Vin Ursa is one of the deadliest bounty hunters in Wildspace. Raised by a community of Autognome thieves and trained by a former Xaryxian assassin, Vin is an expert at completing dangerous jobs. To keep her skills honed, she spends much of her off time in the Arena of Blood. If there's one thing you should hope for in Wildspace, it's to avoid ending up on the wrong side of her L.A.S.E.R. sight.
Abilities[ | ]
L.A.S.E.R. – Base Attack
Vin Ursa uses her Light Accelerating Spectral Energy Relay to attack a random enemy.
Wildspace Lover – Level 0 Ability
Vin Ursa can be used in any Light of Xaryxis campaign adventure or variant, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.
Specialization Choice – Level 30
Front Deck
Vin Ursa increases the damage of all champions in the front two columns by 400%.
Rear Deck
Vin Ursa increases the damage of all champions in the rear two columns by 400%.
Bounty Hunter – Level 60 Ability
Vin Ursa picks a random monster type from a monster in the current adventure as her Favored Foe. Her Favored Foes drop 400% extra gold and all Champions deal 400% damage to them.
Target Acquisition – Level 90 Ultimate Attack
Vin Ursa blasts an enemy. She has a +20% chance to score a critical hit and the enemy becomes a favored foe if she crits.
Vicious Vantage – Level 130 Ability
Vin Ursa increases the effect of your Deck specialization by 250% for each Favored Foe she has, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the pre-stack multiplier.
Contract Negotiations – Level 200 Ability
Whenever you use a Bounty Contract with Vin Ursa in the formation, Vin Ursa increases the effect of your Deck specialization by 25% until the end of the current adventure, stacking multiplicatively. Caps at 100 stacks.
Specialization Choice – Level 250
Friends in High Places
Vin Ursa increases the damage of Good Champions by 400%.
Friends in Low Places
Vin Ursa increases the damage of Evil Champions by 400%.
Friends in Meh Places
Vin Ursa increases the damage of Neutral (Good/Evil axis) Champions by 400%.
Upgrades[ | ]
Equipment[ | ]
Increases the damage of all Champions by:
10% Shiny 15%
65% Shiny 97.5%
120% Shiny 180%
230% Shiny 345% Golden 460%
Increases the damage and extra gold from Vin Ursa's Bounty Hunter ability by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Increases the effect of Vin Ursa's Vicious Vantage ability by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Increases the effect of Vin Ursa's Front Deck and Real Deck abilities by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Increases the effect of all Vin Ursa's Friends in Low Places, Friends in Meh Places, and Friends in High Places abilities by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Reduces the cooldown on Vin Ursa's Ultimate Attack by:
Placeholder empty list. Add/move champions to this section or add « (Debuff) » to several champions & leave them in the other lists, depending on the priority rule (some Support Champions are also Debuff, but probably / currently all Debuff members are also Support)