Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Biography and appearance
Species (Race)
Neutral Good
Tanking / Healing / Support
Force Grey
5 / 25
Attributes (Total: 92)
18 (+4)
15 (+2)
15 (+2)
13 (+1)
18 (+4)
13 (+1)
Base Attack
4.7 s
Ultimate Attack
240 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Swaps (slot 10)
Other data
Core Evergreen champion

Tyril Tallguy is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

Tyril is a core Evergreen Champion that can be found in slot 10.

Backstory[ | ]

Tyril grew up in the wilds around his home village as the apprentice to the spiritual leader. After an accident regarding his large stature, Tyril fled the village to become a sword for hire. His regret informs his transformations and he prefers to shape-shift into small mammals and rodents.

Abilities[ | ]

Icon DamageType Melee Shillelagh – Base Attack

Tyril smacks the closest enemy with his staff.

Specialization Choice – Level 45

Icon Specialization Moonbeam Moonbeam
Tyril draws upon a beam of pure moonlight, increasing the damage of all Champions. He also eventually gains the ability to heal those near him over time. Increase the damage of all Champions by 100%. This is reduced by 30% if Tyril is adjacent to 2 other champions, 60% for 3, 80% for 4, and 95% for 5 or more.
Icon Specialization Wild Shape Wild Shape
Tyril transforms into a bear and gains additional hit points and damage reduction abilities over time. He also eventually buffs nearby Champions. Transforms Tyril into a bear, grants him 265 health points, and increases his overwhelmed point by 20.

Icon DamageType Melee Maul – Level 45 Wild Shape Base Attack

Tyril claws at the nearest enemy.

Ultimate Tyril Sunbeam Sunbeam – Level 60 Druid Form Ultimate Attack

A beam of brilliant light flashes out from Tyril's off-hand and hits all enemies in a line, targetting a random enemy.

Ultimate Tyril Shielding Bite Shielding Bite – Level 60 Wild Shape Ultimate Attack

Tyril leaps to the nearest enemies, biting them with his huge jaws and, based on the enemies hit/killed, gains a damage shield that slowly fades over time. Grants temporary hit-points equal to Tyril's Max Health x1 for every Enemy hit, and x3 for every Enemy killed, which are reduced by 1% every second. Damage: 4.5×BUD.

Ability Tyril Natures Heroism Nature's Heroism – Level 70 Wild Shape Ability

Increases the Health of all Champions by 25% of Tyril's Max Health.

Ability Tyril Wild Inspiration Wild Inspiration – Level 100 Wild Shape Ability

Increases the Damage of Champions within 2 slots of Tyril by 50%.

Icon UnlockAbility Druidic Healing – Level 125 Druid Form Ability

Heals Champions adjacent to Tyril for 22 every second.

Icon UnlockAbility Wild Resilience – Level 125 Wild Shape Ability

Reduce damage taken by Tyril by 5. Cannot reduce to below 25% of initial damage.

Ability Tyril Forces of Good Forces of Good – Level 185 Wild Shape Ability

Increases the damage of good champions by 100% for each enemy attacking Tyril and/or each enemy enrage stack.

Upgrades[ | ]

Level Cost Damage Damage All Health
(Wild Shape)
Moonbeam Wild Inspiration Druidic Healing Wild Resilience
20 2.41e15 +200%
45 8.15e15 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Moonbeam Moonbeam Icon Specialization Wild Shape Wild Shape
60 1.69e16 Unlock Ultimate: Ultimate Tyril Sunbeam Sunbeam Ultimate Tyril Shielding Bite Shielding Bite
70 2.76e16 Unlock Ability: Ability Tyril Natures Heroism Nature's Heroism
75 3.52e16 +100%
80 4.50e16 +230
100 1.19e17 Unlock Ability: Ability Tyril Wild Inspiration Wild Inspiration
110 1.94e17 +100%
125 4.04e17 Unlock Ability: Icon UnlockAbility Druidic Healing Icon UnlockAbility Wild Resilience
150 1.37e18 +100%
175 4.63e18 +200%
185 7.54e18 Unlock Ability: Ability Tyril Forces of Good Forces of Good
200 1.57e19 +200%
210 2.55e19 +200%
215 3.26e19 +70%
250 1.80e20 +100%
275 6.09e20 +200%
290 1.27e21 +100%
295 1.62e21 +200%
325 6.98e21 +100%
330 8.91e21 +200%
335 1.14e22 +400 +70%
360 3.85e22 +100%
390 1.67e23 +200%
430 1.17e24 +200%
445 2.44e24 +70%
500 3.57e25 +300%
515 7.41e25 +200%
530 1.54e26 +100%
550 4.09e26 +690 +70%
585 2.26e27 +100%
600 4.69e27 +100%
610 7.64e27 +100%
645 4.21e28 +100%
675 1.82e29 +100% +100%
695 4.83e29 +70%
705 7.87e29 +100%
730 2.67e30 +100%
790 4.98e31 +100%
850 9.30e32 +100%
870 2.47e33 +1200 +70%
880 4.02e33 +200%
890 6.55e33 +100%
900 1.07e34 +200%
950 1.22e35 +100%
975 4.14e35 +100% +100%
1000 1.40e36 +100%
1025 4.75e36 +100%
1040 9.87e36 +70%
1105 2.35e38 +100%
1155 2.70e39 +100%
1175 7.16e39 +200%
1185 1.17e40 +200%
1205 3.10e40 +2075 +70%
1215 5.04e40 +100%
1260 4.53e41 +100%
1340 2.25e43 +200%
1375 1.24e44 +200%
1400 4.19e44 +100%
1450 4.81e45 +200% +200%
1490 3.39e46 +200%
1545 4.96e47 +100%
1560 1.03e48 +3580 +70%
1600 7.25e48 +200%
1640 5.11e49 +100%
1700 9.54e50 +100%
1750 1.09e52 +100% +200%
1815 2.61e53 +100%
1890 1.01e55 +100%
1905 2.10e55 +6000 +70%
1950 1.89e56 +100%
2055 3.17e58 +200%
2145 2.56e60 +200%
2235 2.07e62 +200% +100%
2245 3.37e62 +200%
2255 5.49e62 +8500 +70%
2320 1.31e64 +200%
2380 2.44e65 +100%
2420 1.72e66 +100%
2440 4.57e66 +100%
2500 8.53e67 +100%
2580 4.23e69 +100%
2600 1.12e70 +70% +70%
2610 1.83e70 +1.70e04
2670 3.41e71 +100%
2730 6.37e72 +100%
2790 1.19e74 +100%
2850 2.22e75 +100%
2920 6.77e76 +100%
2935 1.41e77 +70%
2940 1.80e77 +70%
2950 2.92e77 +3.00e04
3030 1.45e79 +100%
3110 7.18e80 +100%
3190 3.56e82 +100%
3290 4.68e84 +200%
2300 7.63e84 +5.00e04
Total: - - - - - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment Tyril Staff3 Increases the health of Tyril by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 45%
Shiny 75%
Shiny 150%
Golden 200%
2 Icon Equipment Tyril Necklace3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
3 Icon Equipment Tyril RopeOfEntanglement3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
4 Icon Equipment Tyril Shirt3 Increases the effect of Tyril's Moonbeam and Wild Inspiration by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
5 Icon Equipment Tyril BagOfTricks3 Buffs Tyril's Ultimate Attack Damage by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment Tyril Ring3 Reduces the cooldown on Tyril's Ultimate Attack by: 6s
Shiny 9s
Shiny 18s
Shiny 36s
Shiny 90s
Golden 120s

Golden Gear

  • Slot 1: Received from buying a Wild Offers pack (First available from buying a Weekend Gold Chest Pack during the Save Azaka Weekend).
  • Slot 2: Received from buying a Wild Offers pack (First available from buying a Weekend Gold Chest Pack during the For the Feywild Weekend).
  • Slot 3: Received from buying The Complete Force Grey Starter Bundle Pack or the Tyril's Force Grey Starter Pack from the in-game shop.
  • Slot 4: Received from buying a Wild Offers pack (First available from buying a Weekend Gold Chest Pack during the Storyteller Weekend).

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 310, cost* Icon Coin 3.36e21.
Slot 2: unlocked at level ???, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 2400, cost* Icon Coin 6.49e65.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 3785, cost* Icon Coin 1.44e95.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat Health Medic
Increases the effect of Tyril's Druidic Healing ability by 15%.
"You may need more aid than I can provide."
Unlocked at level 310
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Selflessness
Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
"It is a druid's duty to care for others."
Unlocked at level 310
Icon Feat Health Tough
Increases the health of Tyril by 15%.
"Aren't I tough enough already?"
Unlocked at level 310
Icon Feat Health Combat Healer
Increases the effect of Tyril's Druidic Healing ability by 30%.
"Be still. You need healing."
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat Health Resilient
Increases the health of Tyril by 30%.
"A strong mind is just as important as a strong body."
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat Overhelm Calm Under Pressure
Tyril takes 10 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
"There's no need to be frightened."
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Inspiring Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
"I shall inspire you as best I can."
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Full Moon
Increases the effect of Tyril's Moonbeam ability by 80%.
"Don't doubt my power."
Barovian Coin 25,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Bearable
Increases the effect of Tyril's Wild Inspiration ability by 80%.
"These claws are very effective!"
Icon Gems 50,000

Trivia[ | ]

Tyril was created by Dylan Sprouse. First appeared in the live play series, Force Grey.

Media[ | ]
