Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Biography and appearance
Species (Race)
Chaotic Good
Support / Speed
Heroes of Baldur's Gate
Attributes (Total: 82)
10 (0)
18 (+4)
15 (+2)
13 (+1)
12 (+1)
14 (+2)
Base Attack
5 s
Ultimate Attack
260 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Swaps (slot 6)
Other data
Release date
Days ago
1872 approx.
Rework date
Days ago
633 approx.
2: The Flayer Hunters

Shandie Freefoot is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. She was obtained from the Midsummer event, but is now only available through Time Gates or from purchasing a Shandie Champion Pack from the in-game shop.

Shandie is an agile Support Champion. Her Dash ability can increase formation speed, while Explosive Arrows and Agile Allies offer potent formation buffs.

Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Asharra in slot 6.

Backstory[ | ]

Shandie grew up on the rough streets of the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. She quickly learned that if she wanted to survive, she needed to be fast on her feet and even faster with her wit and weaponry. The first time Shandie saw a bowmaster gracefully launch an arrow into a bull's-eye, she knew she had to master archery. With years of practice under her belt, any opponents underestimating this stealthy halfling will soon realize how dangerous she is as a volley of arrows bear down on them unexpectedly from shadowy corners.

Abilities[ | ]

Shandie Dash

The purple and black arrow appears when Shandie's Dash is active

Icon DamageType Ranged Shortbow Expert – Base Attack

Shandie fires an arrow at a random enemy.

Ability Shandie Agile Allies Agile Allies – Level 50 Ability

Increases the damage of Champions within 2 slots of Shandie by 400% for each Champion adjacent to Shandie with a DEX of 15 or higher.

Ability Shandie Dash Dash – Level 120 Ability

Increases the game speed by 25% when the formation hasn't been under attack for 30 seconds.

Ultimate Shandie Survivalist Survivalist – Level 160 Ultimate Attack

Shandie bends the odds in the party's favor, throwing smoke grenades and caltrops onto the battlefield, causing enemies to take the ultimate's full damage over 10 seconds and having a 50% chance to miss their attacks during that time.

Ability Shandie Explosive Arrow Explosive Arrow – Level 180 Ability

When the formation is under attack, Shandie attacks with explosive arrows. The damage of all Champions is increased by 100% times the largest number of enemies Shandie has hit with a single Explosive Arrow in the current area.

Specialization Choice – Level 230

Icon Specialization Known Allies Known Allies
The base effect of Agile Allies is additively increased by 100% for each Heroes of Baldur’s Gate affiliated Champion in the formation.
Icon Specialization Alchemist's Fire Expertise Alchemist's Fire Expertise
Increases the effect of Explosive Arrow by 400%.
Icon Specialization Criminal Contacts Criminal Contacts
The base effect of Agile Allies is additively increased by 100% for each Neutral/Evil Champion adjacent to Shandie.

Upgrades[ | ]

Level Cost Damage Damage All Agile Allies Explosive Arrow
30 2.32e09 +300%
50 1.87e10 Unlock Ability: Ability Shandie Agile Allies Agile Allies
70 1.51e11 +300%
80 4.29e11 +200%
90 1.22e12 +300%
100 3.46e12 +100%
120 2.79e13 Unlock Ability: Ability Shandie Dash Dash
130 7.91e13 +300%
140 2.25e14 +100%
150 6.38e14 +300%
160 1.81e15 Unlock Ultimate: Ultimate Shandie SurvivalistSurvivalist
170 5.14e15 +200%
180 1.46e16 Unlock Ability: Ability Shandie Explosive Arrow Explosive Arrow
190 4.15e16 +300%
200 1.18e17 +100%
210 3.34e17 +300%
230 2.69e18 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Known Allies Known Allies Icon Specialization Alchemist's Fire Expertise Alchemist's Fire Expertise Icon Specialization Criminal Contacts Criminal Contacts
240 7.65e18 +300%
250 2.17e19 +100%
270 1.75e20 +300%
280 4.97e20 +100%
290 1.41e21 +100%
300 4.01e21 +300%
310 1.14e22 +100%
330 9.18e22 +300%
350 7.40e23 +100%
360 2.10e24 +300%
380 1.69e25 +100%
390 4.81e25 +300%
400 1.37e26 +200%
430 3.13e27 +300%
440 8.88e27 +100%
470 2.03e29 +300%
485 9.73e29 +100%
500 4.65e30 +100%
510 1.32e31 +100%
520 3.75e31 +300%
540 3.02e32 +100%
570 6.92e33 +300%
580 1.97e34 +200%
590 5.58e34 +100%
620 1.28e36 +100%
630 3.63e36 +300%
640 1.03e37 +100%
670 2.36e38 +100%
680 6.70e38 +100%
700 5.40e39 +300%
740 3.51e41 +300%
750 9.97e41 +100%
780 2.28e43 +100%
790 6.48e43 +300%
800 1.84e44 +200%
830 4.21e45 +300%
840 1.20e46 +100%
860 9.64e46 +100%
880 7.77e47 +300%
890 2.21e48 +100%
910 1.78e49 +100%
940 4.07e50 +300%
950 1.16e51 +200%
980 2.65e52 +100%
1000 2.13e53 +100%
1010 6.06e53 +300%
1060 1.12e56 +100%
1080 9.02e56 +100%
1090 2.56e57 +300%
1130 1.66e59 +200%
1140 4.73e59 +100%
1150 1.34e60 +300%
1200 2.48e62 +100%
1230 5.67e63 +100%
1250 4.57e64 +200%
1260 1.30e65 +200%
1300 8.44e66 +100%
1310 2.40e67 +100%
1380 3.56e70 +100%
1390 1.01e71 +200%
1400 2.87e71 +100%
1450 5.30e73 +200%
1480 1.21e75 +100%
1500 9.79e75 +100%
1510 2.78e76 +100%
1570 1.46e79 +100%
1580 4.14e79 +200%
1590 1.17e80 +100%
1600 3.33e80 +100%
1620 2.69e81 +100%
1630 7.63e81 +100%
1670 4.96e83 +300%
1680 1.41e84 +100%
1690 4.00e84 +100%
1700 1.14e85 +100%
Total: - - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment Shandie Map3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
2 Icon Equipment Shandie HoodedCloak3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
3 Icon Equipment Shandie Shortbow3 Increases the effect of Shandie's Explosive Arrow ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
4 Icon Equipment Shandie Boots3 Increases the effect of Shandie's Agile Allies ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
5 Icon Equipment Shandie Caltrops3 Buffs Shandie's Ultimate Attack Damage by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment Shandie BurglarsPack3 Reduces the cooldown on Shandie's Ultimate Attack by: 7s
Shiny 10.5s
Shiny 19.5s
Shiny 39s
Shiny 97.5s
Golden 130s

Golden Gear

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 265, cost* Icon Coin 1.04e20.
Slot 2: unlocked at level 690, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 1215, cost* Icon Coin 1.18e63.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 1865, cost* Icon Coin 3.42e92.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Dodge
Increases the effect of Shandie's Agile Allies ability by 20%.
"If you can dodge an arrow, you can- wait. Can you dodge an arrow?"
Unlocked at level 265
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Selflessness
Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
"C'mon! Get a move on! I've got places to be!"
Unlocked at level 265
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Sprinter
Increases the effect of Shandie's Dash ability by 100%.
"I'm too quick to catch!"
Unlocked at level 265
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Agility
Increases the effect of Shandie's Agile Allies ability by 40%.
"If you can't keep up, don't bother me."
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Inspiring Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
"Get behind me! I'll hold them off!"
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat AttributeBoost Actor
Increases the Charisma score of Shandie by 1.
"Krydle and I have been known to pull a con or two."
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat AttributeBoost Observant
Increases the Wisdom score of Shandie by 1.
"Years of working the streets of Baldur's Gate has taught me a few things."
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Bonus Blast
Increases the effect of Shandie's Explosive Arrow ability by 40%.
"This one's too dangerous for you, but not for THEM!"
Barovian Coin 10,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Second Wind
Decreases the time it takes Shandie's Dash ability to trigger from 30 to 10.
"I could do this all day!"
Icon Gems 50,000[* 1]
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Abyssal Trinkets
Increases the effect of Shandie's Agile Allies ability by 80%.
"You remember when we faced that bone devil, right?"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Experimental Ordnance
Increases the effect of Shandie's Explosive Arrows ability by 80%.
"I've got precision, but I don't need it with this!"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Prodigal Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%.
"The wig says 'power' to bullywugs."
Icon Gems 50,000
  1. *Originally Icon Season Currency 2,500 during Season 2 as Tier 6 Pass Reward. Icon Season Buff Flayer Hunters

Trivia[ | ]

Shandie appears in the comic series Legends of Baldur's Gate, written by Jim Zub.

Idle Champions Spotlight: Shandie

Media[ | ]
