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A devoted cleric of Shar, Shadowheart agreed to have her memories wiped as part of a holy mission. Now its sole survivor, she must deliver a powerful relic back to her kin in order to win Shar's love and have her memories restored – but all the while, she is tormented by strange, painful magic that she struggles to understand.
Abilities[ | ]
Sacred Flame – Base Attack
Shadowheart casts Sacred Flame on a random enemy, dealing 1 hit.
Twilight Trickery – Level 20 Ability
Shadowheart increases the damage of Champions within two slots of her by 100%.
Light In The Dark – Level 50 Ability
Shadowheart heals Champions in the two columns ahead of her for 10 every second.
Ceremorphosis – Level 100 Ability
Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Shadowheart's brain. Shadowheart increases the effect of Twilight Trickery by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack, stacking multiplicatively.
Invoke Duplicity – Level 150 Ability
Shadowheart creates an illusory duplicate of herself which hides in the formation and applies Twilight Trickery and Light in the Dark to Champions relative to itself with half the range as normal. The duplicate positions itself in the same formation slot as the Champion in the formation with the highest DEX score. Ties go to the Champion in the highest bench seat.
Specialization Choice – Level 180
Shadowheart's base attack is replaced by Guidance. When she casts Guidance, she increases the damage of your BUD-setting Champion's next attack by 200%. Stacks multiplicatively up to 5 times.
Sister of Darkness
If Shadowheart's Illusory Duplicate is placed in the same slot as she is, the effect of Twilight Trickery is increased by 400%.
Find Yourself
The effects of Twilight Trickery and Light In The Dark from Shadowheart's Illusory Duplicate are increased by 100% for each formation slot away from Shadowheart the duplicate is (following the shortest path), stacking multiplicatively.
Absolute Sanctuary – Level 240 Ultimate Attack
Shadowheart's mysterious relic strikes back enemies and prevents all damage to your Champions for a short while.
Upgrades[ | ]
Equipment[ | ]
Increases the damage of all Champions by:
10% Shiny 15%
65% Shiny 97.5%
120% Shiny 180%
230% Shiny 345% Golden 460%
Increases the effect of Shadowheart's Twilight Trickery ability by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Increases the effect of Shadowheart's Ceremorphosis ability by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Increases the effect of Shadowheart's Light In The Dark ability by:
10% Shiny 15%
30% Shiny 45%
50% Shiny 75%
100% Shiny 150% Golden 200%
Buffs Shadowheart's Ultimate Attack Damage by:
25% Shiny 37.5%
87.5% Shiny 131.25%
150% Shiny 225%
275% Shiny 412.5% Golden 550%
Reduces the cooldown on Shadowheart's Ultimate Attack by:
Placeholder empty list. Add/move champions to this section or add « (Debuff) » to several champions & leave them in the other lists, depending on the priority rule (some Support Champions are also Debuff, but probably / currently all Debuff members are also Support)