Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Biography and appearance
Druid / Warlock
Species (Race)
Chaotic Good
Support / Gold / Healing / Debuff
Heroes of the Planes
Attributes (Total: 79)
10 (0)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
17 (+3)
14 (+2)
Base Attack
5.5 s
Ultimate Attack
220 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Swaps (slot 12)
Other data
Release date
Days ago
1396 approx.
Rework date
Days ago
157 approx.

Penelope "Half Pint" is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. She is obtained from the Feast of the Moon event and also during the 7th year of Greengrass event, or through Time Gates or from purchasing a Penelope Champion Pack from the in-game shop.

Penelope is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion. She buffs party members with her Chwinga Mask based on their roles, increasing healing, damage, and Gold Find with the number of Story Time stacks she has.

Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Arkhan in slot 12.

Backstory[ | ]

Penelope "Half-Pint" is a halfling who just wants to be everyone's best friend, even if they are evil, or a plant, or a rock. With friends that already include a treant named Neverember, and a clan of chwinga that have adopted her, Penelope is ready for anything! She has the heart of a true hero and will always stand by her friends, until she goes into shrub mode of course.

Abilities[ | ]

Icon DamageType Melee Go Away — Basic Attack

Penelope jumps out and hits the closest enemy with her quarterstaff, dealing damage and knocking it back slightly.

Ability Penelope Have You Met My Friends Have You Met My Friends – Level 20 Ability

Whenever Penelope attacks an enemy and doesn't kill it, for the next 30 seconds, all Champions deal 500% additional damage against them.

File:Ability Penelope Insect Plague.png Insect Plague – Level $*also check the other abilities levels $* 50 Ability

Upon entering an area, Penelope summons 4 medium-sized, randomly positioned Insect Swarms on the near 2/3rds of the battlefield. Enemies who are in a Swarm are slowed by 100% and are afflicted by the Have You Met My Friends debuff. The slow effect can stack multiplicatively if an enemy is inside multiple Swarms. Every second that one or more enemies are inside the swarm, the slow effect is additively reduced by 1%. When the slow effect reaches 40%, the swarm is dispersed and disappears.

Ability Penelope Chwinga Mask Chwinga Mask – Level 100 Ability

When any enemy enters one of Penelope's Insect Swarms, Penelope dons her chwinga mask, calling an elemental friend to her aid. It sits on her shoulder while her mask is on. All Champions adjacent to Penelope gain the following charm(s) based on their tags. Charms last until the party changes areas.
Healing Charm (Tank Champions) — Penelope heals affected Champions for 30 HP every second. Once Penelope unlocks Story Time, the amount healed every second is increased by a percentage based on 2x the number of Story Time stacks she has.
  • 0 stacks of Story Time = +0% = 50 HP / sec
  • 10 stacks of Story Time = +20% = 60 HP / sec
  • 25 stacks of Story Time = +50% = 75 HP / sec
Tools for the Job Charm (Healing, Support, or Gold Find Champions) — Penelope increases the damage of all Champions by 100% for each Champion affected by this charm. This effect stacks multiplicatively and buffs apply to the post-stack value. Once Penelope unlocks Story Time, whenever she has more than 15 stacks of Story Time, this effect also increases the party's gold find by 15% of the total buff caused by this charm (including buffs).


Healing Charm (Tank Champions) - Penelope heals affected Champions for 100 HP every second.
Tools for the Job Charm (Healing, Support, or Gold Find) - Penelope increases the damage of all Champions by 400% for each Champion affected by this charm. This effect stacks multiplicatively.
Note: Champions can only gain each charm once even if they have multiple tags.

Specializations 1 – Level 130

Icon Specialization Penelope Keep Your Friends Close Keep Your Friends Close
Increases the effect of Have You Met My Friends by 150% for each Good Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
Icon Specialization Penelope Keep Your Future Friends Closer Keep Your Future Friends Closer
Increases the effect of Have You Met My Friends by 125% for each Evil Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
Icon Specialization Penelope Everybody Gets To Be Friends Everybody Gets To Be Friends
Increases the effect of Have You Met My Friends by 70% for each Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

Ability Penelope Story Time Story Time – Level 150 Ability

Each time a Champion adjacent to Penelope attacks, add a stack of Story Time. The party's gold find is increased by 1% for each stack of Story Time, stacking additively. Story Time stacks are capped at 1,000,000,000. Whenever a boss enemy enters an Insect Swarm, the number of Story Time stacks are increased by 2.5%.

Icon Ultimate Penelope Erupting Earth Erupting Earth – Level 180 Ultimate Attack

A fountain of churned earth and stone erupt in the enemies' path (centered on the nearest enemy), dealing area damage in a large radius and creating difficult terrain that lasts for 30 seconds. Enemies that encounter the difficult terrain have their movement slowed by 50% while they travel through it.

Specializations 2 – Level 300

Icon Specialization Penelope Fury of the Fireflies Fury of the Fireflies
Each time one of Penelope's Insect Swarms is dispersed, the effect of Chwinga Mask (both charms) is increased by 200%, stacking multiplicatively and resetting when you change areas.
Icon Specialization Penelope Splitting The Hive Splitting The Hive
Each time one of Penelope's Insect Swarms is dispersed, another smaller swarm appears randomly (preferring to appear on an enemy if possible), damaging monsters in it for 15 seconds of BUD damage and slowing them using the same rules as the original Insect Plague. These smaller swarms do not spawn additional ones when they disperse.
Icon Specialization Penelope Dance of the Ladybugs Dance of the Ladybugs
Each time one of Penelope's Insect Swarms is dispersed, Penelope reduces the cooldown of all adjacent Champions ultimate abilities by 20% of its remaining cooldown.

Upgrades[ | ]

A rework is needed…

Level Cost Damage Have You Met My Friends Chwinga Mask
Chwinga Mask
25 5.87e19 Unlock Ability: Ability Have You Met My Friends Have You Met My Friends
50 4.02e20 +200%
65 1.28e21 +200%
80 4.05e21 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Keep Your Friends Close Keep Your Friends Close Icon Specialization Keep Your Future Friends Closer Keep Your Future Friends Closer Icon Specialization Everybody Gets To Be Friends Everybody Gets To Be Friends
110 4.07e22 Unlock Ability: Ability Chwinga Mask Chwinga Mask
125 1.29e23 +200%
140 4.10e23 Unlock Ability: Ability Story Time Story Time
150 8.85e23 +200%
165 2.81e24 +200%
180 8.90e24 Unlock Ultimate: Icon Ultimate Penelope Erupting Earth Erupting Earth
200 4.15e25 +100%
210 8.96e25 +200%
220 1.93e26 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Minor Eruption Minor Eruption Icon Specialization Hey Batter Batter Hey Batter Batter
235 6.13e26 +70%
255 2.86e27 +100%
265 6.17e27 +200%
300 9.13e28 +200%
355 6.29e30 +100%
365 1.36e31 +200%
375 2.93e31 +100%
410 4.33e32 +200%
435 2.97e33 +70%
470 4.39e34 +200%
495 3.01e35 +100%
520 2.06e36 +100%
540 9.59e36 +200%
615 3.08e39 +100%
625 6.65e39 +200%
655 6.69e40 +70%
665 1.45e41 +200%
675 3.12e41 +100%
710 4.61e42 +200%
735 3.16e43 +100%
760 2.16e44 +200%
820 2.19e46 +200%
840 1.02e47 +100%
855 3.24e47 +100%
875 1.51e48 +70%
890 4.79e48 +200%
940 2.25e50 +200%
975 3.32e51 +100%
1000 2.27e52 +100%
1010 4.91e52 +200%
1080 1.07e55 +200%
1090 2.32e55 +100%
1100 5.00e55 +70%
1170 1.09e58 +200%
1215 3.49e59 +100%
1255 7.59e60 +200%
1265 1.64e61 +200%
1300 2.42e62 +100%
1315 7.68e62 +70%
1360 2.45e64 +100%
1400 5.33e65 +100%
1420 2.48e66 +200%
1440 1.16e67 +200%
1480 2.51e68 +100%
1520 5.46e69 +200%
1535 1.73e70 +70%
1570 2.56e71 +100%
1600 2.58e72 +200%
1630 2.59e73 +100%
1660 2.61e74 +200%
1690 2.63e75 +100%
1740 1.23e77 +200%
1755 3.91e77 +70%
1830 1.25e80 +100%
1900 2.74e82 +200%
1940 5.96e83 +200%
1970 6.00e84 +70%
Total: - - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment Penelope StaffoftheWoodlands 3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
2 Icon Equipment Penelope OrkiraDrawing 3 Increases the effect of Penelope's Have You Met My Friends ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
3 Icon Equipment Penelope ChwingaMask 3 Increases the healing of Penelope's Chwinga Mask Healing Charm by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 45%
Shiny 75%
Shiny 150%
Golden 200%
4 Icon Equipment Penelope Sling 3 Increases the effect of Penelope's Chwinga Mask Tools for the Job Charm by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
5 Icon Equipment Penelope NeveremberAcorn 3 Increases the effect of Penelope's Keep Your Friends Close, Keep Your Future Friends Closer, and Everybody Gets To Be Friends abilities by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment Penelope CloakoftheForest 3 Reduces the cooldown on Penelope's Ultimate Attack by: 6s
Shiny 9s
Shiny 16.5s
Shiny 33s
Shiny 82.5s
Golden 110s

Golden Gear

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 115 cost* Icon Coin 5.98e22.
Slot 2: unlocked at level ???, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 1450, cost* Icon Coin 2.50e67.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 2330, cost* Icon Coin 6.46e96.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Allyndra's Intelligence
Increases the effect of Penelope's Have You Met My Friends ability by 20%.
"Who do we help next?"
Unlocked at level 115
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Selflessness
Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
"I'm small but I can help! Let's go!"
Unlocked at level 115
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Orkira's Understanding
Increases the effect of Penelope's Have You Met My Friends ability by 40%.
"Maybe we should clean up after ourselves."
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Tools of the Clan
Increases the effect of Penelope's Chwinga Mask Tools for the Job Charm by 40%.
"I've got one of them in my pack. Look! It's a clock! I think."
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Inspiring Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
"We can do this! Together!"
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat Health Trust of the Clan
Increases the healing of Penelope's Chwinga Mask Healing Charm by 40%.
"I think I'm part chwinga now. COOL!"
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Friendly Tales
Increases the effect of Penelope's Have You Met My Friends ability by 80%.
"No Tiamat! BAD! Put Avren down NOW!"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Prodigal Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%.
"Won't you be my friend?"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat GoldFind After You Left…
Increases the effect of Penelope’s Story Time ability by 80%.
"Once in a lifetime for sure!"
Penelope Portrait Event Tier 3 reward
Icon Feat Glitch Aasimar Glitch
Penelope counts as an Aasimar.
Increases the effect of Penelope’s Have You Met My Friends ability by 20% for each Good Champion in the formation.
Icon Gems 50,000

Trivia[ | ]

Known in the D&D community for playing Penelope "Half-Pint", Hope LaVelle is an actor, producer, and stunt performer based in Los Angeles, California. Hope has been immersed in the television and film industry for years, working on projects like Fringe and Supernatural, as well as at companies like Disney, Nickelodeon, and Sony.

Idle Champions Spotlight: Penelope

Idle Champions Reintroduction Spotlight: Penelope

Idle Champion Video Spotlight: Penelope

Media[ | ]
