Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Biography and appearance
Species (Race)
Lawful Evil
Support / DPS / Speed
Absolute Adversaries
Attributes (Total: 75)
17 (+3)
13 (+1)
14 (+2)
11 (0)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
Base Attack
8 s
Ultimate Attack
180 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Melee / Magic
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Swaps (slot 2)
Other data
Release date
Days ago
388 approx.

Lae'zel is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. She is obtained from the Ahghairon's Day event.

Lae'zel is a Support, Speed, and DPS Champion that can complete areas early when other Champions are defeating enemies. She increases the damage of Champions in her column, and her specialization choice defines what type of fighter she is.

Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Celeste in slot 2.

Backstory[ | ]

Lae'zel is a ferocious Githyanki warrior, mighty even by the standards of her mind flayer-hunting kind. Faced with transforming into the very monster she's sworn to destroy, Lae'zel must prove herself worthy of rejoining her people – if they don't execute her first.

Abilities[ | ]

Icon DamageType Melee Greatsword – Base Attack

Lae'zel attacks the closest enemies with a swing of her greatsword.

Icon UnlockAbility Critical Hit – Level 0 Ability

Lae'zel's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.

Icon FormationLarge LaezelLethalCoordination Lethal Coordination – Level 30 Ability

Lae'zel increases the damage of all Champions in her column by 100%, including herself.

Icon FormationLarge LaezelCeremorphosis Ceremorphosis – Level 80 Ability

Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Lae'zel's brain. Lae'zel increases the effect of Lethal Coordination by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack, stacking multiplicatively.

Icon FormationLarge LaezelStraighttothePoint Straight to the Point – Level 100 Ability

In non-boss areas, whenever an enemy is defeated by anything OTHER than Lae'zel, she has a 100% chance to gain an Impatience stack. When she has 17 Impatience stacks, complete the current area and reset the Impatience stacks to the current Ceremorphosis count. Stacks persist when changing areas.

Icon FormationLarge LaezelAberrationHunter Aberration Hunter – Level 170 Ability

Aberrations are Lae'zel's Favored Foe. Every time an Aberration spawns, Lae'zel's Lethal Coordination is multiplicatively increased by 100%, stacking up to 4 times the Ceremorphosis stack count and resetting when changing areas. There is a 33% chance with each wave in a non-boss area that an extra Mind Flayer spawns.

Icon FormationLarge LaezelFerociousWarrior Ferocious Warrior – Level 200 Ability

If Lae'zel attacks and any of her targets survive, her base attack cooldown for her next attack is reduced by 4 seconds.

Specialization Choice – Level 230

Icon Specialization LaezelChampion Champion
Increases Lae'zel's Critical Hit chance by 20% (additively) and Critical Hit damage by 100% (multiplicatively).
Icon Specialization LaezelBattleMaster Battle Master
When Lae'zel hits an enemy and they survive, the enemy is distracted and the next Champion (other than Lae'zel) that hits them deals an additional 4 seconds of BUD-based damage.
Icon Specialization LaezelEldritchKnight Eldritch Knight
Lae'zel now casts Magic Missile immediately after attacking with her greatsword, firing a missile at 3 random targets.

Icon Ultimate Laezel Psionic Leap – Level 300 Ultimate Attack

Lae'zel psionically leaps into the enemies and attacks with a psionic shockwave, stunning them all for a short duration.

Upgrades[ | ]

Level Cost Damage Damage All Lethal Coordination Aberration Hunter
10 1,886 +300%
30 2.76e04 Unlock Ability: Lethal Coordination Lethal Coordination
40 6.84e04 +300%
60 9.43e05 +200%
70 2.34e06 +300%
80 7.61e06 Unlock Ability: Ceremorphosis Ceremorphosis
90 2.47e07 +300%
100 8.02e07 Unlock Ability: Straight to the Point Straight to the Point
110 2.60e08 +300%
120 8.46e08 +100%
130 2.75e09 +300%
160 1.32e11 +300%
170 3.05e11 Unlock Ability: Aberration Hunter Aberration Hunter
180 9.92e11 +100%
190 3.22e12 +300%
200 1.05e13 Unlock Ability: Ferocious Warrior Ferocious Warrior
210 3.40e13 +100%
220 1.10e14 +300%
230 3.58e14 Unlock Specialization Choice: Champion Champion Battle Master Battle Master Eldritch Knight Eldritch Knight
240 1.16e15 +300%
260 1.60e16 +300%
270 3.98e16 +300%
280 1.29e17 +100%
290 4.20e17 +300%
300 1.36e18 Unlock Ability: Psionic Leap Psionic Leap
310 4.43e18 +300%
320 1.44e19 +300%
330 4.67e19 +100%
340 1.52e20 +100%
350 4.92e20 +300%
370 6.79e21 +300%
400 2.49e23 +300%
410 5.77e23 +100%
420 1.88e24 +300%
450 9.01e25 +300%
460 2.09e26 +100%
470 6.77e26 +100%
480 2.20e27 +300%
490 7.14e27 +100%
500 2.32e28 +300%
550 1.21e31 +300%
560 2.72e31 +100%
580 3.75e32 +100%
590 9.31e32 +300%
630 1.48e35 +300%
640 3.36e35 +100%
650 1.09e36 +300%
680 5.24e37 +100%
700 5.16e38 +300%
710 1.28e39 +100%
760 6.66e41 +300%
770 1.50e42 +100%
790 2.07e43 +300%
800 5.14e43 +100%
830 2.47e45 +300%
840 5.72e45 +200%
870 2.75e47 +300%
880 6.36e47 +100%
930 3.31e50 +300%
940 7.45e50 +100%
950 2.42e51 +100%
1000 1.26e54 +300%
1020 1.21e55 +100%
1030 2.99e55 +300%
1080 1.56e58 +200%
1090 3.51e58 +100%
1100 1.14e59 +300%
1160 1.93e62 +300%
1170 4.34e62 +100%
1180 1.41e63 +100%
1230 7.33e65 +100%
1240 1.65e66 +300%
1250 5.37e66 +200%
1300 2.79e69 +100%
1340 3.09e71 +100%
1350 7.00e71 +300%
1380 3.36e73 +100%
1460 4.28e77 +100%
1470 9.62e77 +300%
1500 4.62e79 +200%
1530 1.58e81 +100%
1560 5.42e82 +300%
1570 1.25e83 +100%
1600 6.03e84 +100%
1610 1.39e85 +300%
1620 4.53e85 +100%
Total: - - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment Laezel Ranged3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
2 Icon Equipment Laezel Sword3 Increases the effect of Lae'zel's Lethal Coordination ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
3 Icon Equipment Laezel Githyanki3 Increases the effect of Lae'zel's Ceremorphosis ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
4 Icon Equipment Laezel Armor3 Increases the effect of Lae'zel's Aberration Hunter ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
5 Icon Equipment Laezel Boots3 Buffs Lae'zel's Ultimate Attack Damage by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment Laezel Magic3 Reduces the cooldown on Lae'zel's Ultimate Attack by: 5s
Shiny 7.5s
Shiny 13.5s
Shiny 27s
Shiny 67.5s
Golden 90s

Golden Gear

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 305, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 2: unlocked at level 675, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 1140, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 1715, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat Crit Chance Battle Expertise
Additively increases the Crit Chance of Lae'zel by 10%.
"missing data."
missing data
Icon Feat Crit Damage Cataclysmic Strike
Increases the Crit Damage of Lae'zel by 60%.
"missing data."
missing data
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Hurry Up!
Increases the effect of Lae'zel's Straight to the Point ability by 80%.
"I will leave you behind! Get moving!"
missing data

Trivia[ | ]

Idle Champions Spotlight: Lae'zel

Idle Champions Video Spotlight: Lae'zel

Media[ | ]
