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Imoen is a Support and Healing Champion who complements her thieving abilities with spells! She boosts her party's damage whenever a Favored Foe is defeated, and while not primarily a spellcaster, she doesn't mind stepping in with an occasional Polymorph or Stoneskin spell.
Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Jamilah in slot 11.
Imoen is a surprisingly cheerful young woman considering she eventually discovered that she was the child of a deadly murder god. As an orphan, she moved to Candlekeep at the age of 10 with her adoptive father and innkeeper, Winthrop. Soon she traveled to Baldur's Gate with a childhood friend, where she joined forces with powerful Champions like Minsc and Jaheria.
Abilities[ | ]
Short Bow – Base Attack
Imoen makes a ranged attack against a random enemy, dealing one hit. Once her specialization is unlocked, Imoen prioritizes attacking Favored Foes, and she deals an additional 5 seconds of BUD-based damage with every hit to these enemies.
Optimism – Level 10 Ability
Imoen increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 100%.
Specialization Choice – Level 40
Beast Slaying Arrows
Beast enemies become Imoen's Favored Foe. Her Short Bow attacks against Beast enemies deal an additional BUD-based damage with each hit.
Dragon Slaying Arrows
Dragon enemies become Imoen's Favored Foe. Her Short Bow attacks against Dragon enemies deal an additional BUD-based damage with each hit.
Monstrosity Slaying Arrows
Monstrosity enemies become Imoen's Favored Foe. Her Short Bow attacks against Monstrosity enemies deal an additional BUD-based damage with each hit.
Aberration Slaying Arrows
Aberration enemies become Imoen's Favored Foe. Her Short Bow attacks against Aberration enemies deal an additional BUD-based damage with each hit.
Perseverance – Level 60 Ability
Any time any Champion's Favored Foe appears or is defeated, Imoen increases the effect of Optimism by 50%, stacking multiplicatively and then applying multiplicatively. Stacks up to 50 times. Stacks are reset each time the Champions change areas.
Stoneskin – Level 80 Ability
Before every eighth attack, or upon entering a new area, Imoen casts Stoneskin on all Champions in the front-most column of the formation, granting them 300 temporary hit points. The amount is increased by 5% (additively) for each Favored Foe that is alive.
Disarm Traps – Level 100 Ultimate Attack
Imoen leaps out into the fray, attacking five enemies in sequence with her short sword in one hand and her lockpicks in the other. She prioritizes enemies with hits-based health and deals 5 hits per attack. If no hits-based enemies are available she deals normal ultimate damage to enemies she attacks.
Polymorph – Level 130 Ability
Before every third attack, Imoen polymorphs a random non-boss non-static enemy into a monster with the same type as her Favored Foe, but only 10% of its original health. She can not polymorph enemies that are already polymorphed by this ability a second time.
Placeholder empty list. Add/move champions to this section or add « (Debuff) » to several champions & leave them in the other lists, depending on the priority rule (some Support Champions are also Debuff, but probably / currently all Debuff members are also Support)