Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Hew Maan
Biography and appearance
Rogue / Bard
Species (Race)
Kobold / "Human"
Male / Female
Lawful Evil
Support / Speed
Attributes (Total: 75)
11 (0)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
Base Attack
6.3 s
Ultimate Attack
450 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Strahd (with feat)
Swaps (slot 8)
Other data
Release date
Days ago
1312 approx.
Rework date
Days ago
542 approx.
3: Ancients and Lawbringers

Hew Maan is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. They are obtained from the Grand Revel event, but are now only available through Time Gates or from purchasing a Hew Maan Champion Pack from the in-game shop.

Zrang, Kleeb, and Yassa have a brilliant plan: trick the humans into thinking they are one of them and loot all their stuff! Honestly they can't believe this hasn't happened already.

Zrang and his siblings hide inside a trench coat and masquerade as a human. Their buffs change based on where they are located in the formation. They provide three different buffs that are useful in different situations. Place them near the front of the formation and they increase your rate of progression (pre-wall). Place them in the center of the formation and they assist with killing bosses (pushing wall). Place them near the back of the formation and they greatly increase your damage against non-boss monsters (farming at your wall). They work best in formations with several humans.

Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Delina in slot 8.

Backstory[ | ]

Zrang, his twin brother Kleeb, and their brood-sister Yassa began their Icewind Dale existence stealing gems and dreaming of being respected by the locals. Inspired by their mentor, Jarlaxle, they stand tall to form Hew Maan - who is totally a human and not on a nefarious mission to steal all the Champions' stuff.

Abilities[ | ]

Icon DamageType Ranged Crossbow Bolt - Basic Attacks

The middle kobold shoots a random enemy with a small crossbow.

Ability HewMaan Teamwork Teamwork – Level 40 Ability

Hew Maan provides different buffs depending on their proximity to the front of the formation. Depending on where they are placed in the formation, a different kobold takes the top slot in the trench coat and provides a different buff:
  • Zrang - [Front X Columns] - Enemies have a 20% chance to drop double quest items or count for double quest progress.
  • Kleeb - [Middle Columns] - Increase the damage of Champions against boss enemies by 400%; if the boss has hits-based or armor-based health, successful attacks destroy twice as many segments as they normally would.
  • Yassa - [Back X Columns] - Increase the damage of Champions within two columns of Hew Maan by 100%.
Note: in formations with four or less columns, X is always 1. In columns with five or more columns, X is always 2.

Ability HewMaan Hello, Fellow Humans Hello, Fellow Humans – Level 120 Ability

Increase the effect of Kleeb and Yassa's Teamwork abilities based on the number of human Champions in the formation:
  • 1-3 "other" humans: +100%
  • 4-5 "other" humans: +700%
  • 6-7 "other" humans: +3100%
  • 8-9 "other" humans: +12700%

Ability HewMaan Carefully Balanced Carefully Balanced – Level 200 Ability

Increase the effect of Zrang's Teamwork ability by 5% for each Champion adjacent to the kobolds (stacks additively and then applied to Teamwork multiplicatively).

Icon Specialization Impressive Coatwork Impressive Coatwork - Level 220 Ability

The effect of all Teamwork abilities are increased by 100%.

Specializations – Level 240

Icon Specialization Did We Say Humans We Meant Did We Say Humans? We Meant...
The Hello, Fellow Humans ability now uses the most populous race in your formation instead of Human. Ties do not matter as only the count is important.
Icon Specialization Law Maan Law Maan
The Hello, Fellow Humans ability now uses the number of Lawful Champions in the formation instead of Humans.
Icon Specialization Hello Fellow Mercenaries Hello, Fellow Mercenaries!
The Hello, Fellow Humans ability now uses the number of unaffiliated Champions in the formation instead of Humans.

Ability HewMaan Please Stand By Please Stand By – Level 280 Ability

The two kobolds that are not on top provide lesser buffs passively. These abilities are not buffed by Hello, Fellow Humans.
  • Zrang: Boss enemies move 25% slower.
  • Kleeb: Hits-based and armor-based enemies and blockers have a 50% chance of spawning with 25% of their hits already gone.
  • Yassa: Reduce the base attack cooldown of Champions adjacent to the kobolds by 0.5s.

Icon Ultimate HewMaan Roll Out! Roll Out! – Level 360 Ultimate Attack

Each kobold in the stack attacks repeatedly with their own crossbow, peppering a random target with 12 bolts in total. An additional effect then occurs based on whichever kobold is on the top of the stack. Moving the kobolds while the effect is active does not update it.
  • Zrang: Roll Out! — The effect of Zrang's Teamwork is doubled for 30 seconds.
  • Kleeb: Stop! — Non-boss enemies are stunned and no additional enemies will spawn for 15 seconds.
  • Yassa: Faster! — Reduce any active ultimate cooldowns of all Champions in the formation by 25%.

Upgrades[ | ]

Level Cost Damage Damage All Hello, Fellow Humans
30 4.90e11 +200%
40 7.98e11 Unlock Ability: Ability HewMaan Teamwork Teamwork
50 1.30e12 +100%
60 2.12e12 +200%
110 2.43e13 +100%
120 3.96e13 Unlock Ability: Ability HewMaan Hello, Fellow Humans Hello, Fellow Humans
150 1.71e14 +100%
160 2.79e14 +100%
170 4.54e14 +100%
180 7.39e14 +200%
190 1.20e15 +100%
200 1.96e15 Unlock Ability: Ability HewMaan Carefully Balanced Carefully Balanced
230 8.47e15 +100%
240 1.38e16 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization Did We Say Humans We Meant Did We Say Humans? We Meant... Icon Specialization Impressive Coatwork Impressive Coatwork
270 5.97e16 +100%
280 9.72e16 Unlock Ability: Ability HewMaan Please Stand By Please Stand By
300 2.58e17 +100%
350 2.96e18 +100%
360 4.82e18 Unlock Ultimate: Icon Ultimate HewMaan Roll Out! Roll Out!
380 1.28e19 +200%
410 5.52e19 +100%
420 9.00e19 +100%
480 1.68e21 +200%
520 1.18e22 +200%
590 3.60e23 +200%
640 4.13e24 +100%
650 6.72e24 +200%
700 7.71e25 +200%
720 2.05e26 +200%
780 3.82e27 +200%
850 1.16e29 +200%
880 5.02e29 +100%
940 9.39e30 +200%
1030 7.58e32 +200%
1080 8.69e33 +100%
1120 6.12e34 +200%
1140 1.62e35 +200%
1220 8.04e36 +200%
1280 1.50e38 +100%
1340 2.81e39 +200%
1400 5.24e40 +200%
1480 2.60e42 +100%
1500 6.89e42 +200%
1520 1.83e43 +200%
1580 3.42e44 +200%
1670 2.76e46 +200%
1680 4.49e46 +100%
1750 1.37e48 +200%
1840 1.10e50 +100%
1850 1.80e50 +200%
1900 2.06e51 +200%
1950 2.36e52 +200%
2040 1.91e54 +100%
2070 8.25e54 +200%
2200 4.69e57 +200%
2240 3.30e58 +100%
2280 2.32e59 +200%
2350 7.07e60 +200%
2400 8.11e61 +100%
2550 1.22e65 +200%
2560 1.99e65 +100%
2600 1.40e66 +100%
2740 1.30e69 +100%
2760 3.44e69 +100%
2780 9.14e69 +200%
2870 7.38e71 +100%
2950 3.66e73 +100%
3030 1.81e75 +100%
3130 2.38e77 +100%
3240 5.10e79 +100%
3350 1.09e82 +100%
3470 3.81e84 +100%
Total: - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment HewMaan Trenchcoat 3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
2 Icon Equipment HewMaan Crossbow 3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
3 Icon Equipment HewMaan ProofofHuman 3 Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Hello, Fellow Humans ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
4 Icon Equipment HewMaan PilesofShinyRocks 3 Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Carefully Balanced ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
5 Icon Equipment HewMaan RemainsofTermalaine 3 Buffs Hew Maan's Ultimate Attack Damage by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment HewMaan Wings 3 Reduces the cooldown on Hew Maan's Ultimate Attack by: 12s
Shiny 18s
Shiny 34.5s
Shiny 67.5s
Shiny 169.5s
Golden 226s

Golden Gear

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 450, cost* Icon Coin 3.89e20.
Slot 2: unlocked at level 1390, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 2515, cost* Icon Coin 2.22e64.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 3900, cost* Icon Coin 4.93e93.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Fighting Lessons
Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Hello, Fellow Humans ability by 20%.
"You go first. ~Kleeb"
Unlocked at level 450
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Selflessness
Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
"I'll take socks, err watch. I'll take watch. ~Zrang"
Unlocked at level 450
Icon Feat AttributeBoost Intellect of the Tallest
Increases the INT score of Hew Maan by 1.
"You got this, Kleeb! Just don't growl! ~Yassa"
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Walking Lessons
Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Carefully Balanced ability by 40%.
"Is anyone else feeling the cold? ~Zrang"
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Inspiring Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
"For Termalaine! ~Hew Maan"
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Talking Lessons
Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Hello, Fellow Humans ability by 40%.
"Zrang? He got frozen on patrol one too many times. ~Yassa"
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Button Lessons
Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Hello, Fellow Humans ability by 80%.
"But I want to SEE! - Yassa"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Prodigal Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%.
"It's MY turn to be in charge! ~Kleeb"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA We're a Treant!
Increases the effect of Hew Maan's Carefully Balanced ability by 80%.
"We've learned to stay REAAAAAALY still - Yassa"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Neverwinter Diversity
Increases the number of other champions counted by Hello, Fellow Humans by 3.
"Greetings, fellow humans!"
Icon Gems 50,000[* 1]
Icon Feat UpgradeFA The path is clear
Increases game speed by 10% when the formation is not under attack.
"Surprises around every corner! But not this one. I don't think. ~Kleeb"
Icon Gems 12,500[* 2]
Icon Feat Immolation Immolation
Hew Maan's attacks deal an additional 1 second of BUD damage every second for 5 seconds.
"Kleeb prefers fire going in opposite direction! ~Kleeb"
Icon Gems 50,000[* 3]
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Yaaaas
Increases Yassa's Teamwork buff by 80%.
"Isn't that what other humans say? ~Yassa"
missing data
  1. *Originally sold at the Thayan Enclave for Corruptedgem 10,000 during the Red Wizard Emergence.
  2. *Originally Icon Season Currency 1,000 during Season 3 as Tier 9 Reward. Icon SeasonBuff AncientsandLawbringers
  3. *Originally Icon Season Currency 2,500 during Season 3 as Tier 4 Reward. Icon SeasonBuff AncientsandLawbringers

Trivia[ | ]

Hew Maan is a CNE original character, inspired by the art of three kobolds in a trench coat from the adventure book: Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden.

Idle Champions Spotlight: Hew Maan

*Asharra's Specialization Bond: Humans buffs Hew Maan.

Media[ | ]
