Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki

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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Biography and appearance
Species (Race)
Support / Speed
Attributes (Total: 75)
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
10 (0)
10 (0)
18 (+4)
Base Attack
7.5 s
Ultimate Attack
360 s
Damage Types
Base Attack
Ultimate Attack
Critical Hit (base values)
Crit damage
Crit chance
Eligible for Patrons
Zariel (with feat)
Swaps (slot 1)
Other data
Release date
Days ago
2256 approx.

Deekin Scalesinger is one of the Champions of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. He was obtained from the Founders' Day event, but now can only be obtained from Time Gates or from purchasing a Deekin Champion Pack from the in-game shop.

Deekin regales the party with his Story of Doom. Depending on how quickly the party's enemies are being slain, the intensity of Story of Doom can ramp up.

Once unlocked, you can swap this Event Champion with Bruenor in slot 1.

Backstory[ | ]

A former member of the Dripping Fang clan, Deekin was once a Skald for a White Dragon named Tymofarrar. Once he was released from Tymofarrar's service, he set out to become the most amazing storyteller in all of Faerûn. He yearns to sing and tell stories of heroic deeds, but his songs often devolve into 'tales' of the doom that is coming to him or his companions.

Abilities[ | ]

Deekin Doom

When at most two letters are lit, Confidence in the Boss is active

Icon DamageType Ranged Building Suspense – Base Attack

Deekin takes aim with his crossbow and fires at a random enemy.

Ability Deekin Story of Doom Story of Doom – Level 50 Ability

Adjacent Champions do 5% more damage per Story of Doom stack. Story of Doom gains a stack every 1.5 seconds to a max of 15. Every enemy killed reduces stacks by 20%.

Ability Deekin Confidence in the Boss Confidence in the Boss – Level 90 Ability

When Deekin has fewer than 6 stacks of Story of Doom, the speed of enemies spawning is increased by 100%.

Specialization Choice – Level 200

Deekin's Story of Doom now affects all Champions in the formation.
Icon Specialization Epic Tale of Little Kobold Epic Tale of Little Kobold
Deekin's Story of Doom total buff is increased by 50%, but it still only affects adjacent Champions.
Icon Specialization Boss Wants Speed Boss Wants Speed
Increase the effect of Deekin's Confidence in the Boss ability by 100%.

Ability Deekin Troubadour Troupe Troubadour Troupe – Level 265 Ability

Increases the damage of all Champions by 100% for every Bard in the formation.

Ultimate Deekin DOOOOOOOM DOOOOOOOM! – Level 390 Ultimate Attack

Deekin shouts DOOM as loud as he can, dealing massive damage and setting Song of Doom to max stacks for 30 seconds.

Upgrades[ | ]

Level Cost Damage Story of Doom Troubadour Troupe Confidence in the Boss
5 14 +100%
10 23 +100%
25 110 +200%
40 528 +200%
50 1498 Unlock Ability: Ability Deekin Story of DoomStory of Doom
60 4253 +200%
80 3.43e04 +300%
90 9.74e04 Unlock Ability: Ability Deekin Confidence in the BossConfidence in the Boss
100 2.76e05 +300%
110 7.85e05 +200%
120 2.23e06 +300%
140 1.80e07 +300%
175 6.93e08 +300%
190 3.32e09 +100%
200 9.42e09 Unlock Specialization Choice: Icon Specialization DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM Icon Specialization Epic Tale of Little KoboldEpic Tale of Little Kobold Icon Specialization Boss Wants SpeedBoss Wants Speed
210 2.67e10 +300%
230 2.16e11 +300%
240 6.12e11 +100%
255 2.93e12 +300%
265 8.32e12 Unlock Ability: Ability Deekin Troubadour TroupeTroubadour Troupe
280 3.98e13 +300%
295 1.90e14 +300%
325 4.36e15 +300%
345 3.51e16 +100%
355 9.98e16 +300%
370 4.77e17 +100%
380 1.36e18 +300%
390 3.85e18 Unlock Ultimate: Ultimate Deekin DOOOOOOOMDOOOOOOOM!
410 3.10e19 +300%
435 4.22e20 +300%
440 7.10e20 +100%
470 1.63e22 +300%
490 1.31e23 +100%
505 6.27e23 +300%
535 1.44e25 +300%
550 6.87e25 +100%
575 9.33e26 +300%
600 1.27e28 +300%
610 3.60e28 +100%
655 3.94e30 +300%
675 3.18e31 +200%
700 4.32e32 +300%
725 5.87e33 +100%
735 1.67e34 +100%
755 1.34e35 +100%
770 6.43e35 +100%
790 5.18e36 +100%
820 1.19e38 +100%
840 9.56e38 +100%
850 2.72e39 +100%
885 1.05e41 +200%
905 8.45e41 +200%
915 2.40e42 +200%
940 3.26e43 +200%
950 9.25e43 +100%
980 2.12e45 +100%
995 1.01e46 +100%
1010 4.85e46 +100%
1045 1.87e48 +200%
1060 8.95e48 +100%
1080 7.21e49 +100%
1110 1.65e51 +100%
1125 7.90e51 +200%
1135 2.24e52 +100%
1160 3.05e53 +200%
1175 1.46e54 +100%
1200 1.98e55 +100%
1210 5.63e55 +100%
1240 1.29e57 +100%
1270 2.95e58 +200%
1300 6.75e59 +200%
1335 2.60e61 +200%
1370 1.00e63 +100%
1400 2.30e64 +100%
1430 5.26e65 +200%
1450 4.24e66 +100%
1460 1.20e67 +100%
1490 2.76e68 +200%
1520 6.31e69 +200%
1560 4.10e71 +100%
1600 2.67e73 +100%
1640 1.73e75 +100%
1690 3.20e77 +100%
1730 2.08e79 +200%
1770 1.35e81 +100%
1810 8.79e82 +100%
1850 5.71e84 +100%
Total: - - - - -

Equipment[ | ]

Slot Icon Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
1 Icon Equipment Deekin Lute3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
2 Icon Equipment Deekin Crossbow3 Increases the damage of all Champions by: 10%
Shiny 15%
Shiny 97.5%
Shiny 180%
Shiny 345%
Golden 460%
3 Icon Equipment Deekin QuillAndParchment3 Increases the effect of Deekin's Story of Doom ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
4 Icon Equipment Deekin Bracer3 Increases the effect of Deekin's Troubadour Troupe ability by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
5 Icon Equipment Deekin BagOfClamshells3 Buffs Deekin's Ultimate Attack Damage by: 25%
Shiny 37.5%
Shiny 131.25%
Shiny 225%
Shiny 412.5%
Golden 550%
6 Icon Equipment Deekin LeatherVest3 Reduces the cooldown on Deekin's Ultimate Attack by: 9s
Shiny 13.5s
Shiny 27s
Shiny 54s
Shiny 135s
Golden 180s

Golden Gear

Feats[ | ]

Slot 1: unlocked at level 355, cost* Icon Coin 9.98e16.
Slot 2: unlocked at level ???, cost* Icon Coin x.xxexx.
Slot 3: unlocked at level 1295, cost* Icon Coin 4.01e59.
Slot 4: unlocked at level 1940, cost* Icon Coin 6.85e88.

Icon Description Source
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Minstrel
Increases the effect of Deekin's Troubadour Troupe ability by 20%.
"Deekin sing you a song?"
Unlocked at level 355
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Selflessness
Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
"Deekin is most selfless kobold."
Unlocked at level 355
Icon Feat AttributeBoost Nimble
Increases the Dexterity score of Deekin by 1.
"Deekin best dodger in world. Never get hit!"
Icon Gems 12,500
Icon Feat GlobalDPS Inspiring Leader
Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
"Deekin enjoy leading group. Everyone listen to Deekin."
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat UpgradeFA Overconfidence
Increases the effect of Deekin's Confidence in the Boss ability by 40%.
"Deekin trusts boss. They would never lead Deekin wrong."
Icon Gold Chest
Icon Feat RaidPlanner Heavy Lifter
Increase the Strength score of Deekin by 2.
"Deekin lifts from knees, never back!"
Icon Gems 50,000
Icon Feat UpgradeFA All Together Now
Increases the effect of Deekin's Troubadour Troupe ability by 80%.
"Deekin starts -- You all join on the second verse"
missing data

Trivia[ | ]

Deekin originally appeared in the expansions for the game Neverwinter Nights, and later appeared in the sequel Neverwinter Nights 2.

Media[ | ]
